Designing Ethical Movie Ratings: Ensure Inclusivity and Prevent Manipulation

Justyna Belkevic
3 min readJan 23, 2023
Can we always trust movie ratings?

When it comes to streaming entertainment, we rely heavily on movie ratings to decide what to watch. But have you ever thought about the ethics behind these ratings? 👀 With the power to influence our viewing habits, it's more important than ever to ensure that the rating system on platforms like Netflix is designed with integrity. From preventing manipulation to promoting inclusivity, ethical considerations in movie ratings play a vital role in shaping our entertainment experiences.

One major issue with movie ratings on streaming platforms is that they can be easily manipulated. For example, a movie production company can pay to have fake positive reviews and ratings posted, which can skew the movie's overall rating. This can lead to users being misled and potentially wasting time watching a movie they may not enjoy. As designers, it is crucial to consider how rating systems can be manipulated and take steps to prevent this.

Another aspect of ethical design in movie ratings is ensuring that the system is inclusive and representative of diverse perspectives. This means considering the ratings and reviews of marginalized communities, such as people of colour, women, and the LGBTQ+ community. By taking these perspectives into account, we can ensure that the movie rating system represents a diverse range of viewers and promotes inclusivity.

One example of a company implementing an ethical design in its movie ratings system is the movie review website Rotten Tomatoes. The website has a feature called “Verified Ratings”, which ensures that only verified moviegoers can leave a rating for a film, preventing fake reviews from skewing the overall rating. Additionally, the website has a “Critics Consensus” feature, which compiles reviews from a diverse range of critics to provide a more representative view of the film.

What practical steps can designers take to ensure that movie ratings on streaming platforms are designed ethically? 📝

  1. ✅ Implement Verification: To prevent fake reviews and ratings, designers can implement verification processes for users leaving ratings, such as requiring them to prove that they have watched the movie or verifying their identity before allowing them to leave a rating.
  2. 👯‍♂️ Use Multiple Sources: To ensure that ratings are representative and not skewed by any one group, designers can use a variety of sources for ratings, such as critics, users, and other rating platforms.
  3. 💎 Increase Transparency: To build trust with users, designers can increase transparency around the rating process by displaying information about how the rating was calculated and who or what sources were used to determine the rating.
  4. 👩🏽‍🎤 Promote Diversity and Inclusivity: To ensure that ratings represent diverse perspectives, designers can promote diversity and inclusivity in the rating process by reaching out to different communities and encouraging them to leave ratings or using a diverse set of reviewers.
  5. 👨🏿‍🏫 Educate Users: To empower users to make informed decisions, designers can educate them on how to spot fake ratings and reviews and how to verify the accuracy of a rating. This can include providing resources and tips for identifying counterfeit ratings and encouraging users to be critical and sceptical of high ratings with no reviews or low ratings with many thoughts.
  6. 🍭 Incentivize Authentic Reviews: To prevent manipulation, designers can encourage users to leave authentic reviews by providing incentives or making it easy for users to leave detailed feedback.
  7. 🏁 Allow Users to Flag Suspicious Activity: The ability to flag suspicious activity, such as fake reviews or ratings, can help identify and address any issues quickly.

As product designers, we have the unique opportunity to shape the future of entertainment and the way we consume it. And when it comes to streaming platforms, movie ratings play a significant role in our viewing habits. By considering ethical design considerations in the movie rating systems, we can ensure that users make informed decisions about what to watch, promote inclusivity, and resist manipulation. It’s time to take a stand and use our design skills to impact society and make entertainment truly enjoyable for everyone positively.



Justyna Belkevic

Ethical Design Advocate | Empowering Women in Design | Igniting bold ideas in 4+ languages 🚀